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My little girl inspires me to be the mom and business owner that I need to be. She has so much fire and every part of this world releases wonderful expressions within her, which she in turn interprets out. She is so much a little firecracker and friendly with everyone. Sometimes a little too friendly. Everywhere we go, she decides she is going to meet new people and explore new things. One of these things is purses. A second of these things is shoes.
One of her, and my, all time favorite moments was the time we visited DSW. If you have been, you will know what I mean when I say 'shoe heaven'. It was the first time I realized I am raising a dramatic fashionista, and she is doing it all on her own. She must have tried on over 30 adult heels that day! That's right. It is only fun when the shoe is 3x too big and 4x too high.
Every meeting I go to, she is my little tag-along. Everyone says she is going to be the next Belladonna Marie model. Of course, that would be fine by me, but I love seeing her develop into her own little person, with a full personality.
May is and will always be the light that inspires Belladonna Marie.
Adorable! :)