Begin by making a list of meals you are going to eat, week by week. To start, take inventory of the food you currently have in your refrigerator and pantry. By doing this you will only by the food you need at the store, while congruently using the food you already have. Making a list also saves you money by not purchasing things you don't need while at the store.
When making the list, makes sure to focus on the items outside the aisles: poultry, chicken, produce, dairy, etc. This way you will be saving money, but also saving time at the gym by choosing healthy options.
Image via Wikipedia
Next, instead of buying an expensive gym membership, take advantage of summer weather and take your exercise routine outdoors.
One of the favorite outdoor routines is running. However, if this doesn't fancy you, try an interval training/boot camp workout. Start by running or jogging 1/4 mile. Stop and do 3 sets of 12 push-ups. (For more of a challenge, add on to each exercise. For example, as seen below, add on a arm and leg raise to challenge core and overall body's resistance.) Repeat, changing the 'stopping' exercise each time.
Finally, save a few extra dollars on updating your summer wardrobe, by incorporating new items with items you currently have. Go through your closet and put together pieces you love, making a list of pieces you need, that would complement them. For instance, take your classic pair of white shorts and pair them with one of this year's hottest summer trends, a floral blouse. (Take inspiration from the Robert Cavalli dress, below.)
With these simple tips, you will not only be healthy, fit and fashionable, but financially better off, as well.
Keeping it fresh, Jenny
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